Code Geass ★★★★★

Code Geass has a little bit of everything: action, romance, strategy, mechs, and science.
Lelouch Lamperouge

It starts off with Lelouch Lamperouge who is 17th in line for the throne of the Holy Britannian Empire. For his protection he is to be an ordinary school boy along with his sister Nunnally.

After a strange accident involving "terrorists" Lelouch comes into contact with a mysterious girl by the name of C2 or CC. She gives him the power of the Geass, which manifests itself differently in each holder. His Geass gives him the power to control others with direct eye contact.
Kallen Stadtfield

With this new found power he aims to create peace. He recruits Kallen Stadtfield, an "11" aka Japanese. Lelouch directs her and the Resistance. Together they create the Black Knights.

To Lelouch the war between the Japanese and the Britannians is like a game of chess, with him being the player and the Resistance being his chess pieces.
Suzaku Kururugi


He creates Zero who is supposed to stand for peace and justice. Lelouch aims to bring down the empire from the outside, where as his childhood friend Suzaku Kururugi aims to take it down from the inside.
Lelouch as Zero

Throughout the season Lelouch figures out the truth behind his past and the emperor.

Season two starts off with a bit of confusion but is quickly explained within the first episode. Lelouch continues further with his plans to take down the empire and even partners up with Suzaku.

Zero kills Lelouch
In the end Lelouch completes his mission for peace, at the cost of his life. . . or so it would seem.

Some believe that Lelouch died, but the end of the last episode seems to say otherwise. 


Lelouch seen driving a wagon?

The battles are big, the strategies are complex, the characters are intense, and the anime is beautiful. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves science fiction or anime in general.

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